Our Awesome Features

Strategy & Adoption

Bizcloud provides Cloud Strategy and Adoption services to organisations that wish to accelerate business growth and performance using the latest Cloud technology as an enabler. Our highly experienced and knowledgeable team of Cloud Solutions experts will evaluate and develop your successful journey from on-premise to the Cloud.

Consultancy Services

Bizcloud consultants, work hand in hand with your team to educate on best practices and guiding principles for a successful implementation. Our deep technical expertise and services help you unlock business value from the cloud across a range of solutions—including infrastructure, application modernization, data management and analytics, machine learning, security, and more.

Managed Services

Bizcloud can design and manage the delivery of your cloud infrasucture to meet your specific business needs. Our expert design team take a cloud neutral approach to define the most appropraite cloud environment which is fully delivered by our expert engineers.

DevOps Stategy and Implementation

Successful implementation of DevOps strategy requires an effective ‘implementation roadmap’. Bizcloud can help your DevOps teams idenitfy the technology stack and tooling required to operate and manage applications under DevOps implementations. These tools help in fulfilling tasks such as code deployment and infrastructure provisioning, among others.

Why Choose Us?

Our mission is make cloud computing as simple as possible for all businesses looking to adopt the agility and power of cloud computing.

We aim to help you reduce business risk and increase company agility by delivering effective, IT solutions. Our experienced solution designers take a security first principle to deliver scalable solutions and services.

Our Offerings

A sound governance and operational model is key to successful cloud migration. However, most enterprises do not pay attention to this factor, leading to longer migration cycles, higher cross-team interdependencies, and increasing operating costs. Building a landing zone is therefore a starting point to meet the needs for cloud factory migration, which incorporates best practices followed for operating and governance models.

Bizcloud has a proven track record of successful application migration to the cloud, strategising and implementing cloud landing zones.

We can design and deliver bespoke applications that meet your specific business requirements. Working alongside business analysts, we develop applications that are fully traceable to business requirement.
Bizcloud can help test your new product or service in a risk-free environment and give you expert advice and guidance based on your business needs.
Bizcloud can offer expert cloud professionals to join your existing teams. From architects, designers, engineers to BAU operations, we can support your resourcing demands.

Our Expertise

Strategy and Architecture
95% Complete (success)
95% Complete (success)
95% Complete (success)
90% Complete (success)